Product Links
Product Price
Lathe Unavailable
Carbide Turning Tool $59.99
Black Chrome Slimline $2.50
Pre-drilled Acrylic Blanks $3.95
Belt and Disc Sander $89.99
Compound Miter Saw $149.99
Thick CA Glue $11.49
Accelerator $18.40
150-600 Grit Sandpaper $22.95
120-3000 Assorted Sandpaper $8.99
Polishing Paper $12.42
Magic Juice $12.00
Miter Saw CA Glue Sander

Please tie back loose hair, clothes, and wear eye protection!

Steps to Prepare Acrylic Blanks

  1. Measure the blanks against the tubing.
  2. Mark cut spots slightly larger than the tubing.
  3. Cut the blank.
  4. Cover the tubes in thick CA glue.
  5. While twisting shove the tubes halfway into the blanks.
  6. Press them all the way in using a flat surface.
  7. Spray the still pressed down blank with Accellerante OR leave the blanks to dry for 24-hours.
  8. Sand the ends of the tubing down so that the blank is as long as the tubing.

Remember, a large part of pen turning is a learning experience. This information is a well rounded guide but you can't learn the complex parts just by watching and reading. For example, you can skip grits, go to much higher grits, or use polishing paper.

We've made a lot of mistakes and have improved our methods over the years and I can tell you right now this website doesn't have all the information we have.